Thursday, July 26, 2007

Biblical Quote of the Day 7.26.2007

"The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." ~ Proverbs 29:15

Here is one many of you have heard before, or at least, some variation of. Proverbs 13:24 is very similar. Basically what this great quote is saying is that the rod of punishment makes you wise, but if you leave a child to his own devices it will make its parents shameful. So if we can't leave them alone, what is the alternative?

Of course! Beat them! Not only should we beat our children (with rods, in this case), but it actually makes our children wise! Who knew it was so easy!

Here I was, thinking that telling a kid not to hit someone and then hitting him when he hits someone was rediculous logic! I should have known it would make sense to the God that knew we'd screw up when he created us, and then when we messed up, just as he knew we would, he punishes us to eternal damnation.

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