Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday's Positive Bible Message 8.12.2007

Well, it's Sunday again and time for a positive Bible message. This one comes from the Old Testament.

"Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people"
~ Leviticus 19: 16

This should be an easy one, and it is aimed at all you soccer-mom's that ruin each other's lives or just act like plain assholes with all the crap you talk about each other. I should also point out that the stuff many call "news" is much more akin to being a "talebearer." The latest non-events with Lindsey or information about some famous person that is famous for being famous is not news. It is gossip, and you are being an enabler to sin by being interested and watching/reading it.

So put down your People Magazine and pick up your Bible, if you are really the Christian you claim to be.

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